David Cary

Prosperity v Wealth

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There is a question I have been asking myself for some time. What does it mean to be prosperous? What is it to prosper and thrive?

Having once studied finance, I find that I no longer believe that money represents value. I think one could define wealth as accumulated excess energy.

There is a time wealth could be measured in the number of slaves owned, becuase without cheap energy, not much wealth can be accumulated. In some cultures the number of cows you own is wealth, easy access to excess meat and milk.

Modern wealth is a function of of exactly this, it is the ease with which cheap energy can be exploited. Wealthy nations have in the past, and still do, emitted a lot of carbon and methane. Poor nations emitt less but aspire to more.

Wealth is carbon, methane and hurt.

Anytime we thoughtlessly use this easy energy/wealth, we harm ourselves and others. We feel good about this, proudly broadcast our stupidity.

In this world of cheap energy and free flowing data we are all broadcasters. It is not only waste and pollution that we broadcast, but noise, in every sense of the word, chaos even. We contagiously scream our anxiety into the emptiness that haunts us all.

Wealth created by modern innovation is highly concentrated amongst few people, can these modern day slave owners be described as prosperous? Would anyone describe Elon Murk as prosperous? Miserable? Envious? Toxic? Plain Sick?

Does the enormous concentration of wealth in data-extractive big tech serve anyone? The enormous concentration of wealth in the US, Europe? It all comes from the ugly exploitation of some thing, some other being. It always has.

Wealth is a measure of harm, and only superficially, value.

Can we change the way we think?

What if prosperity is what we all strive for?

The beauty here is my prosperity depends on yours and others’. If I can make your life better, mine is also better. If I can help a real person in Syria/Ukraine/Myanmar/Russia/Germany/Canada, my life is better too. If I can help to make my surroundings better for Kiwi, my surroundings are better for me and you.

If I can prosper while causing no harm, actively working to help, everything is better.

Wealth, when it is owned, is a lie, it is really only potential consumption, pretend advantage. How much do we need to consume?

Wealth really has no meaning unless it benefits all. Your advantage is a cost to others, past, present or future.

When we take our wealth, and put it in the context of our surroundings. Sincerely and honestly. Then what remains is prosperity.

The ability to be in the real world, to see and to act, to make it better.


We all know this, it’s common sense to care.